Huge news! Shillington received the highest number of finalists for the AGDA Student Design Awards 2018 from a single design school. 39 finalists—at least 5 in each category—identity, packaging, print, digital and craft and 9 distinctions.
Thirty nine #MadeAtShillington student projects were hand-selected by the official judging panel. This marks a big jump in recognition since 17 Shillington Finalists in 2017 and 10 Finalists in 2016. It’s a true testament to our students’ creativity and hard work, the expertise and mentorship of our teachers and Shillington’s leadership for pushing our design curriculum to consistently improve and keep up-to-date with industry.
We are honoured and extend a huge congratulations to finalists Talya Baker, Jessica Bakker, Phoebe Cook, Kathleen Crosby, Alice de Saulles, James Freebairn, Kirstie Jago, Sam Jacobs, Sani Lama, Georgia Lewis, Becky McCullock, Lily Moore, Uzma Padia, Jacqueline Pini, Eleanor Robertson, Alexander Rog, Victoire Scherer, Paola Sega, Katrinka Szuhan, Gabriella Tato, Tally Thompson, Daniela Tomanova, Ariana Villegas, Anastasiia Vinchenkko, Ray Wong, Wai San Woo, Becky Wood, Ghia Zaatari, and Carla Zimbler.
Scroll down to see a glimpse of our Shillington finalists and distinctions. Special congratulations to nine students who achieved a distinction—Carla Zimbler, Paola Sega, Phoebe Cook, James Freebairn, Anastasiia Vinchenkko, Tally Thompson, Jacqueline Pini, Alice de Saulles and Gabriella Tato.
To see more images of each project, check out the official Shillington Finalists Gallery on the AGDA Design Awards website.
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Becky McCullock’s website
Digital — James Freebairn
AGDA Finalists Gallery | James Freebairn’s website
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Ray Wong’s website
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Kathleen Crosby’s website
Craft — Phoebe Cook
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Phoebe Cook’s website
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Daniela Tomanova’s website
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Katrinka Szuhan’s website
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Talya Baker’s website
Craft — Jacqueline Pini
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Jacqueline Pini’s website
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Becky Wood’s website
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Jessica Bakker’s website
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Katrinka Szuhan’s website
Identity — Carla Zimbler
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Carla Zimbler’s website
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Eleanor Robertson’s website
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Sam Jacobs’s website
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Becky McCullock’s website
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Ariana Villegas’s website
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Eleanor Robertson’s website
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Ghia Zaatari’s website
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Georgia Lewis’s website
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Wai San Woo’s website
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Becky McCullock’s website
Print — Paola Sega
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Paola Sega’s Instagram
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Victoire Scherer’s website
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Sani Lama’s website
Craft – Gabriella Tato
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Gabriella Tato’s website
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Uzma Padia’s website
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Alexander Rog’s website
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Tally Thompson’s website
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Eleanor Robertson’s website
Packaging — Anastasiia Vinchenkko
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Anastasiia’s Vinchenkko’s website
Identity — James Freebairn
AGDA Finalists Gallery | James Freebairn’s website
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Lily Moore’s website
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Uzma Padia’s website
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Becky McCullock’s website
Identity — Alice de Saulles
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Alice de Saulles’s website
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Kirstie Jago’s website
Print — Tally Thompson
AGDA Finalists Gallery | Tally Thompson’s website
Congrats to all the finalists! #Shillumni make us so proud. Want to meet graduates in person? Join us for an upcoming Info Session or Graduate Exhibition in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, New York, London or Manchester.
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