Shillington is the Original Graphic Design Bootcamp Graphic Design Bootcamp

(AU) The House That You Built Competition

stab-image-851x315pxWant $10,000 cash? Stab and Volcom invite you to join The House That You Built. The world spins on ideas. Stab and Volcom like them big, and they like them bold. Remember Bruce Irons illuminating a pitch black tube? Or John Florence’s dream scene, captured from the sky?  No idea is too big. If you’ve got something wild—Stab and Volcom want it!


Plan and direct their next big shoot. Whether you’re presenting a designed PDF or a scrawl on a napkin—it doesn’t matter. All that matters is your idea. The winner will have access to Volcom’s surf team and Stab’s production team.

Submit your entry to get behind the Director’s chair.

Deadline—Friday, 30th September.


Suzie Keen
September 15, 2016

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