Shillington is the Original Graphic Design Bootcamp Graphic Design Bootcamp

5 Thoughts from Alex Naghavi, Creative Director at Josephmark

Alex_N_EditedWe were thrilled to welcome Alex Naghavi, Creative Director at Josephmark, to guest lecture at Shillington Brisbane.

Josephmark is a digital design studio that specialises in developing apps both in-house and for external clients. They had their first break when they were asked to redesign Myspace, and have worked with a range of both Australian and American clients ever since. Today they hold offices in Brisbane, Sydney and Los Angeles.

During her lecture, Naghavi ran us through the creative process Josephmark uses when approaching the design of a digital product like .W, Undrtone and Hash. She especially emphasised the importance of User Experience.

Here are our five favourite quotes from her lecture:

  1. “Always design with intent and meaning.”
  2. “Design is the love child of art and business.”
  3. “UX is the way your doorman greets you at your hotel.”
  4. “If you are a UX designer you are the voice of the user. Always put the user first. Design for them, not yourself or the client.”
  5. “The final design is not equal to the final product. A digital product is like a living being—ever evolving and growing.”

Big thanks to Alex Naghavi. We hope to welcome her back to Shillington again soon! And for all the budding designers out there, be sure to check out her Medium article The Ultimate Intern: A Checklist.

To learn more about the day-to-day at Josephmark, check out our Q&A with Josephmark designer and part-time #shillobri graduate Hamish Snow.

Discover the world of UX design at Shillington! Study 3 months full-time or 9 months part-time at Shillington in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, London, Manchester or New York.

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