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100 Days of Faces

Part-time #shillobri teacher Adam Busby has been very busy lately. As part of #The100DayProject, he’s on a quest to draw 100 faces in 100 days. 
Today we share a few of our favourites and get the low-down on his creative challenge!

What inspired you to take on this 100 Day Challenge?

I have followed Elle Lunathe brains behind the challenge—for a while now. I was just ready for a new illustration challenge!

How has it helped your creative process?

The foundations of my process have stayed the same but the decision-making process has completely transformed and improved out of necessity. Muscle memory and trusting yourself play huge roles in this and every creative endeavor.

Any ideas for someone thinking about launching their own 100 Day Challenge?

Do it! And don’t stop doing it. Learn to love the process and make as many mistakes as possible as often as possible.

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Want to follow along with the remaining 20 days of Adam’s challenge? Follow him on Instagram!

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