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Shillington Supports The Green Light List

Shillington is proud to support an inspiring new initiative from Studio Theolin, The Green Light—a list of companies who treat their junior workforce fairly, crowd-sourced from the interns, graduates and juniors who have worked there.

When we were initially approached by Jenny Theolin, a former Shillington London teacher, we jumped at the chance to be a part of such a positive moment in our design community, especially alongside a group of admirable educators and studios.

To give a bit more insight into The Green Light it all began when Jenny shared a LinkedIn post that called out the unfair treatment of emerging talent in the creative industries, she received an overwhelming number of responses.

So she decided to do something about it. Theolin paired up with London-based, Creative Technology Agency +rehabstudio to create The Green Light, a list of companies who treat their junior workforce fairly, crowd-sourced and recommended by the interns, graduates and juniors who have worked there.

Whether you are looking for an internship during your education, you’re a graduate avoiding ‘fake internship offers to work for free’, or looking to land your first proper job, we hope this list helps you find what you’re looking for.

Be sure to keep your eye on The Green Light List as it grows and follow them on Twitter to see regular updates. 

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