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#ILoveTheseGuys Creative Inspiration: Base Design

I love Base Design because of the amazing branding they have done for particular clients. One example is the rebranding of the hip Meatpacking District in Manhattan. The way they have combined the different perceptions of the area, is especially interesting—its namesake, a notorious club scene, and now an area that embodies art, culture, design and fashion. They have portrayed this clash in a very simple, but effective design which also appeals to the cool vibe of the district.

Other clients they have worked with are Milk, a photography studio in New York and LA. Instead of branding it based on the space or services they have created campaigns that reflect the creative content that was produced there. The simple but bold typography has allowed the studio to adapt the logo in a variety of pop culture images, of which Milk has a been a hub.


Branding Graphic Design Inspiration & Ideas

Submission by
Ella Vickerman
February 9, 2017

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