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An Interview With David Pearson (Type as Image)

David Pearson is, to steal a phrase, “a Wonderful Man”. He achieves this title through his creative and simple approach to the book covers he designs. This is something that is surprisingly hard to do well. You are attempting to convey a very complex message with just one visual nod. David Pearson achieves this with delicate precision.

The book series Great Ideas I, for which he designed the covers, demonstrates his subtlety. The typographical treatment is simple, in its alignment and form, but effective. He achieves this through the content he chooses and the use of colour. He plays with the design principles, but never disregards them. Each of Pearson’s covers communicate the essence of the books through the use of white space, or flourish, or confinement. He does not try to make his mark but rather solves problems, and solves them with such ease; to make me incredibly envious and want to write a blog post about him.

Take note of his White’s Books as well, especially the Treasure Island Cover. Brilliant use of negative space!

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If you’re loving David Pearson as much as Tilly, be sure to check out our wrap up of his guest lecture at Shillington London –> David Pearson—type as image #industrytalks.

Graphic Design Inspiration & Ideas I Love These Geniuses

Submission by
Tilly Oswell-Wheeler
June 17, 2016

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