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Projekt Mkt: Vintage Poster Market

Looking for something to freshen up your walls? Projekt 26, which was founded by #ShilloLDN graduate Harriet Williams and her friend Sylwia Newman, are hosting Projekt Mkt—a 3 day market dedicated to incredible mid-century posters from Poland, France and beyond.

Projekt Mkt is a 3 day vintage market dedicated to mid-century posters. The lovingly curated pop-up will feature leading poster dealers with original vintage poster collections covering a diverse range of styles and specialisms.

Within the 5 interconnected rooms of the large light gallery space, you will find recognisable classics of 20th century poster design from France, Poland, Britain, America, the Soviet Union and beyond. Browse and shop rare and iconic collector’s pieces alongside plenty of affordable treasures.

Vintage posters come in so many styles and cover so many subjects, there’s one out there for everyone! Fall in love with the incredible graphics, the stories and artists behind the posters and even their scars from the marks of time. Sustainable and soulful, there’s no better way to add personality and style to your home/walls.

14—16 May 2020. Copeland Gallery, Copeland Road, London, SE15 4UJ.

Check out who’s going to be there and register for tickets today!

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